News From Galilee Centre

Blessings During the First Week Back

It truly feels like the start of a new season at Galilee Centre – even if the snow this week had other ideas! Thank you to all the staff members, volunteers, and guests who made our first week back an amazing success. From making beds, to ordering and preparing food, confirming rooming lists to setting up conference rooms, and all the many big and little tasks that made it possible for us to welcome our first groups, we are incredibly thankful for all the support and encouragement we received.

The coming weeks are full of delicious meals to share, engaging programs, and hosted groups. Please see the detailed information below and come and join us at Galilee Centre.

Click here to see our full newsletter.

Over the past year, a series of speaker panels was convened to discuss the Synodal Process in Canada and beyond. Click here for more information on the Synod and to view the videos of the speaker panel events.